EST.D 2007 Suzanne Taylor
Turning Emotion into Art • Red Deer, Alberta •

Red Deer Baby Photography | Suzanne Taylor Photography

Red Deer Baby Photography

Baby photography in Red Deer, Alberta by Suzanne Taylor PhotographyBaby photography is a little known area of professional photography focus for a lot of people in the Red Deer and Calgary area.  LOTS of people invest in Newborn portraits of their little one(s), however as time goes on few people take the time to ensure that their baby is the main subject in front of a professional camera and before they know it, their baby is a toddler and its too late.

Baby photography in Red Deer captured by Suzanne Taylor Photography

What a dumpling!

I had an opportunity to capture some delightful baby photography in Red Deer a few weeks back with this darling little girl.  Little Ms. A was such a delight to work with during her full session.  Mom and Dad did not get newborn images done of this sweet girl, so they were looking forward to me capturing a lot of those precious detail shots you normally see during newborn sessions.  Those images often cover their hair, fingers, toes, lips, eyes, nose, ears and anything else special about the baby and on a little girl this adorable, there was no change of not having a huge cute factor.  This baby was pure adorable – and she had the most delightful amount of those beautiful baby rolls.  We also couldn’t get over those amazing eyes and the pure delight she got from chewing on her fingers.  If you are a parent reading this, you know what chewing on fingers signals…that dreaded teething.  For this session though, she was just full of slobber, chewing fingers and of course, more drool.

Baby photography in Red Deer by Suzanne Taylor Photography

baby photography in red deer is captured best by Suzanne Taylor Photography

Why is Baby Photography important?

So the question that I am sure your wondering is why baby photography would be important considering likely newborn images were done just a short time ago.  Well, it’s important for several reasons but to chronicle your baby’s growth every few months is extremely important in creating a life story for your child.  While newborn photography is important, I would say baby photography is equally photography – at least at the milestone ages like 3, 6 and 9 month marks before they turn one.  It is really quite alarming and surprising how fast they grow and if you are not paying attention that first year is up and you wonder what happened to your sweet little baby.  I hear regret constantly from parents who just didn’t get those images captured and they can not get that time back.  Nothing will turn back time and if you are thinking about getting some baby photography done, then make that call or send that email now.

baby photography in red deer is best captured by Suzanne Taylor Photography

baby photography in red deer is captured by Suzanne Taylor Photography

In Red Deer, baby photography is a genre that Suzanne Taylor Photography has perfected.  Babies are perfect no matter how old they are and there is never a baby I have not totally appreciated photographing because they are lovely.  Babies like this beautiful little girl are so much fun to play with and photograph because they are smiling, playing and just enjoying all the attention.  After all, how could you really not enjoy this little pudding?  She was so happy for the entire shoot – and it came across in the images 100%.

best baby photography in Red Deer by Suzanne Taylor Photography

baby photography in red deer is captured best by Suzanne Taylor Photography

These images were processed over a longer period of time due to a terrible flu that hit our home, but being able to go through the images later on was such a help in creating the feel and soft mood for these edits.  They were so much fun as I made each image perfect and memorable for the family.  I wanted to say a huge thank you to Mom and Dad for allowing me to come to your home and photograph the perfect little soul you made together.  She was a pure pleasure to photograph and I had so much fun getting to know your family and spend time with all of you.


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